We Are WeAct
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
—Margaret Mead, American Cultural Anthropologist
We are a group of concerned citizens in Windsor, California, working to address the global climate emergency through local action. Our efforts are two-fold: 1) We invite our friends and neighbors to join us in projects that we believe can make our community a more resilient and sustainable place. 2) We work with the Windsor Town Council to keep and expand their climate commitments. Members of WeAct represent diverse ages, backgrounds, and Windsor neighborhoods.
We share a common belief that positive solutions created at the local level can have impact globally, because by advocating for community resiliency and environmental sustainability on the local level, we can create undeniable and meaningful global impacts.
Sonoma PEAS and Wasteless Windsor
In 2018, a group of concerned citizens, meeting since 2016 as the Sonoma Political Education and Action Salon, started the Wasteless Windsor initiative as a first step toward achieving zero waste in our community. Wasteless Windsor is now an active community organization in its own right, freeing the group to move forward with its primary focus, addressing how to live well in this community in light of the global climate emergency.
WeAct is Created
In November 2019, Sonoma PEAS transformed into a new project called WeAct, the Windsor Earth Action Climate Team, to address the global climate emergency through local action . WeAct is committed to approaching our work with the values of fun, flexibility, balance, leverage and creativity. We believe that by being nimble, creative and fiercely independent, we can identify high-leverage niches to advance sustainability and resilience in the Town of Windsor.
Summer Nights on the Green
In summer of 2019, Wasteless Windsor helped concert-goers learn how to sort their waste during the Summer Nights on the Green concert series, successfully achieving the promotion of a waste conscious mentality and the diversion of 75% of concert trash from the landfill. This was achieved in coordination with various volunteers and organizations, one of which was the Windsor High School student-led action club Committee for Change.
WeAct Today
Ourt projects are constantly evolving, and include: promoting real-life strategies for bringing day-to-day activities into harmony with nature, endorsing and advocating for Windsor’s Climate Emergency Resolution and Zero Waste Resolution, advocating for clean and resilient energy, expanding the Wasteless Windsor initiative, organizing community road clean-ups, and creating thriving neighborhood resilience groups.
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Wasteless Windsor
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